With Urgent Care, You can Get Immediate Service Without Paying Emergency Room Fees

by | Mar 6, 2014 | Health

When you want immediate care, waiting for an appointment at a standard doctor office in Orange County NY doesn’t sound like such a great idea. Alas, it costs an arm and a leg to go to a hospital emergency room, and if you don’t seem to be dying, you could end up waiting for hours! What’s the solution?

The solution is to go to an urgent care center like Orange Urgent Care in Orange County NY. These clinics take patients without an appointment and typically have short waiting times. They also don’t have the extreme fees associated with emergency rooms. While they aren’t for life-threatening emergencies, they can handle a surprising array of lesser emergencies right on the spot. Some can also take care of things normally reserved for traditional offices, such as refills for prescription medication like blood pressure pills.

In terms of urgent care, a lesser emergency is one that is not life-threatening, but that still needs to be treated right away. Examples include broken bones, asthma attacks, cuts, and infections. There is no need to pay hundreds of dollars or max out your health insurance coverage if you have these things treated at an urgent care center. In fact, many insurance companies prefer if their customers use urgent care instead of emergency rooms and will pass on fewer expenses to you if you do so.

Here is a tip for getting speedy service at an urgent care doctor office in Orange County NY. Keep in mind that most such centers strive to have no waiting, but they still have a finite amount of doctors. This means that busy periods can cause a slight slowdown. Therefore, you should avoid the busy period – the hours from opening until after typical workplace lunchtimes. Go in the mid-afternoon or later for a zippy visit.

Another thing to remember is that if you’re a new patient, you’ll have to fill out some preliminary forms. If you have a problem like a broken bone or you’re having an asthma attack, bring someone with you to do the form-filling. It’ll be much easier on you if you don’t have to try to write while you’re in great pain or gasping for breath.

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