Will You Be Able To Avoid The Need For Antique Rug Repair in Manhattan?

by | Jul 12, 2019 | Rugs

Is antique rug repair in Manhattan just something that an owner of an antique rug has to deal with? Some rug owners can avoid having to hire professionals for rug repairs. While an older rug might have to be restored even if it is cared for properly, certain repairs are easy to avoid.

The Sun

A person has to be careful about where they choose to place their antique rug. Placing the rug in an area of the home where it will get a lot of sun exposure is a bad idea. Eventually, the sun will cause the colors of the rug to fade. A rug should be rotated often if it is exposed to the sun. Flipping the rug will also help. Click here to find out more about repairing rugs.

Protecting A Rug From The Sun

A person doesn’t have to keep their rug hidden away from the sun to avoid the need for antique rug repair in Manhattan. One of the best ways to protect a rug from the sun is to use special window film on the windows of the room that the rug is in. These films filter out the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun while letting light inside the building.

Keeping The Rug Clean

A rug should remain clean if problems are to be avoided. Dirt and debris will do damage to a rug’s fibers. Certain spills will stain rugs. An antique rug should be placed in an area of a room where it won’t get too much traffic. The rug will need to be cleaned at least once a week. A rug owner will have to avoid using harsh cleaning agents on their rug. If the wrong cleaning supplies are used on a rug, damage might occur.

Keeping an antique rug safe isn’t that hard to do. A rug owner just has to place their rug in the right area of a room and watch out for things that will harm their rug. They also have to make sure that the rug is kept clean. When the rug needs to be restored, a professional service should be used to get the job done the right way.

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