Why You Should Find a Tree Care Service in Richmond VA

by | Apr 11, 2014 | Home & garden

For home owners, planting trees around the home is a natural choice. These trees offer shade, add value to the property, and of course are great for the environment. Trees are not statues that are simply put up and left to their own devices. These are living, natural things that require care and maintenance. This is especially so in urban areas where they can pose a huge risk if not taken care of properly. It is therefore important that you find a tree care service in Richmond VA as a way of making sure that you and the people around you are safe.

One of the big risks of having trees in residential areas is deadwood. This basically refers to branches that rot as a result of disease or just their natural life cycle, and eventually fall off. With the bigger tree species, a dead branch falling off from the tree can cause damage to the home, parked cars, outdoor installations and other property, as well as have the potential to be fatal. To avoid any of these scenarios, it is important to be able to spot deadwood, and more importantly, have it removed speedily before it falls on its own.

Over time, trees can also become unstable, which poses an obvious risk to the home and the people around it. There are usually some signs that could point to possible disease or rot, which are the main factors contributing to unstable trees. One obvious sign is rotting on the tree trunk, which is usually visible even by the untrained eye. Spotting fungal growths on the stems or branches is another sign of possible disease or rot. Also, the tree top may appear dead, or has stopped producing branches.

In any of these cases, it is important that you find a tree care service in Richmond VA to have the problem remedied as soon as possible. The legal duty when it comes to trees lies with the owner, so any damage or loss caused by your trees could mean you are liable. To avoid any such scenario, call in the experts, in this case R L Elliott Enterprises Inc. This residential and commercial tree care service will map a way forward for you, and determine the right cause of action in addition to offering an array of other tree care related services. Go to Website URL for more information.

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