If you live in a place where you are supplied with hard water, it is advisable that you look for the best alternative to water softeners in Lawrence KS. You do not want to have spotty dishes, dull hair or bathtub rings in your home. Hard water is water that has high amount of minerals. The main mineral contents of such water are magnesium and calcium. They harden water by dissolving in it which reduces the effectiveness of soap when used in it. On the other hand, softened water has reduced amount of minerals dissolved in it which enhances the effectiveness of soap or shampoo when used in it.
Typical water softeners that are used in most homes remove magnesium and calcium in hard water. They do this by exchanging the ions of these minerals with those of potassium and sodium. Softening water makes cleaning chores easier and this can even increase the lifespan of water appliances such as dishwasher and washing machine.
However, some conventional water softeners that many people use to eradicate lime-scale deposits or mineral ions in their sinks, faucets and other plumbing fixtures are not healthy. Apart from being costly, they are not eco-friendly and they also affect water conservation measures.
Some softeners that are highly rich in salt cause build-up of salt in the soil. This is very common in places where the water used in showers and other domestic activities drains to. The more the water that is softened using salt goes to the soil, the more the soul in that area loses essential nutrients and gets more compacted. This affects the plants that grow around the place where the water goes and they might even die in the long run.
Additionally, some softeners hinder soap from lathering up well. Others cause buildup of mildew and mold in the shower curtain. As such, it is highly advisable that you change your water softener if you have been using salt-based water softener. You can easily find the best alternative to water softeners by shopping wisely. This will reduce the amount of salt water coming out of your home.
A good water softener should be eco-friendly and maintenance free. It should not only solve the problems of hard water in your home, but also save you money that you would spend in buying large quantities of soap. Therefore, look for an alternative softener that has been used and recommended by other homeowners.
There are many water softeners in the market but not all of them are really effective. Fortunately, you can find the best alternative to water softeners by shopping wisely.
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