Why Use Refillable Electronic Cigarettes to Quit Smoking?

by | Jun 5, 2014 | Shopping

Using tobacco products, whether it’s through smoking it or chewing it, has very destructive effects on your body. After years of smoking your lungs will not work half as well as they used to and you are going to be at a much higher risk for cancer. The good news is that much of the damage can be reversed and you can start reversing it today. After even a week of quitting smoking your lungs will have cleared themselves out by quite a bit and you will be able to hear and feel how much healthier your lungs are. Quitting smoking can be quite difficult but is definitely possible. Refillable electronic cigarettes are one method of weaning yourself off of nicotine without ingesting nasty chemicals such as tar and methanol (which is another name for rocket fuel and ddt which is a commonly used pesticide).

Refillable Electronic Cigarettes Work

Psychiatrists have determined that there are two types of addictions to smoking, the first being a physical addiction which would mean the person’s body craves nicotine and feels like it requires nicotine to function. Luckily for people with this variation of a tobacco addiction most medications and quitting tools are geared towards an addiction of that sort as well as a refillable electronic cigarette.

The second type of addiction to tobacco that scientists have found is referred to as a mental addiction. This sort of addict generally still has an addiction to nicotine more so they find the need to be able to do a smoking like action with their hands. For example, if you see a person with a mental addiction sitting at their desk job they may be chewing on a pen to replace the feeling of a cigarette in their hand because it comforts them until they can have a cigarette. The worst part about having an addiction such as this is that typical nicotine patches and pills will not help with you wanting to smoke something. Luckily refillable electronic cigarettes will help with both mental and physical addictions.

Start Quitting Today

Whether you have a mental or physical addiction, refillable electronic cigarettes are a valuable tool for you to quit smoking and become healthier.

Interested in using refillable electronic cigarettes to help you quit?

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