Why Bother With Sealcoating in Boston MA?

by | Jul 11, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

Maintaining driveway, parking lot and other paved surfaces is far less expensive than allowing those surfaces to deteriorate and having to completely repave them. Sealcoating is a simple process that works to seal out water and keep the paved surfaces usable for extended periods of time. Keeping the surfaces maintained also enhances their appearance. For many people, keeping a property looking its best is reason enough to sealcoat at least every two to three years.

Weather is the biggest enemy of paved surfaces. Asphalt can quickly deteriorate if regular maintenance is neglected. Cracks form, allowing water to seep into in the area around the crack. Freeze and thaw cycles then further exacerbate the damage. Soon, large chunks of asphalt may break away, destroying the surface. Seal coating Boston MA experts can prevent damage to parking lots, driveways, playgrounds or other paved surfaces. Crack Sealing prior to applying the sealcoat further extends the life of any paved surface, as sealing alone will not properly repair cracked areas. Property owners are advised to build sealcoating into their maintenance budgets so that deferred maintenance does not reduce the useful life of the paving material.

In addition, Seal coating Boston MA contractors can apply special surfaces when they are needed to enhance the look or safety of the surfaces. Textured surfaces can be applied where extra traction is required. This can be a significant advantage when the surface is sloped and pedestrian traffic is extensive. Surfaces can also be colored to enhance a design scheme. Changing the color not only enhances the look, but it may also lower surface temperatures during very hot weather.

When deciding who to trust to maintain the paved surfaces on a property, there are several factors that should be considered. First, can the contractor demonstrate experience in maintaining paved surfaces? It takes years to truly learn this type of business. Next, can the contractor provide the service at a time that reduces inconvenience? Business owners may suffer if parking lots are blocked for long periods during normal business hours. Also verify that the Sealcoating Boston MA contractor is properly licensed and insured so that property owners are protected.

Properly maintaining paved areas by sealing cracks and sealcoating will protect the investment and extend the life expectancy of all paved surfaces.


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