Whiten Your Teeth Through Cosmetic Dentistry, Find an Office in Highland Park

by | Nov 5, 2018 | Dental Care

There are hundreds of methods people are using to look younger for longer. Whether it’s through cosmetic surgery or with a better diet and more exercise, science and cosmetology are working hand in hand now more than ever. As we age, one of the places that we overlook when we think about seeing the signs of our growing age is our smile. Your smile is one of those things that make a big difference in your appearance. It’s something that people notice when they first look at you, so taking care of your smile should be a priority. Aside from visiting the dentist for your routine checkup and cleaning, you can also take advantage of cosmetic dentistry options in Highland Park.

Teeth Whitening

Years of caffeine, juice, and coffee consumption can lead to yellowed teeth and very noticeable staining. Although you might not see it when you look in the mirror, others can notice a yellow smile immediately. That’s where teeth whitening comes in handy. The length of this procedure depends on the office and how deep of a whitening session you’re doing. However, the process is mostly the same.

How it Works

Your dentist starts by molding trays of thin plastic to your mouth. You fill these trays with a bleaching solution that targets deep areas within your tooth and keep it on every night for two weeks. Once you’ve done that, your dentist can perform the in-office procedure. This process is simply another dose of the bleaching agent that intensified. The good news is that this process is fairly pain-free and doesn’t take a long time to get through. Another major plus is that it’s permanent! Talk to your dentist in Highland Park about what options for teeth whitening work best for you.

Do you want a brighter smile with cosmetic dentistry? Contact Chicago Beautiful Smiles in Highland Park.

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