When to See Your Dentist in Camp Hill, PA

by | Oct 16, 2013 | Dental Care

Seeing your dentist regularly is one of the most important things that you can do to care for your teeth. Along with seeing your dentist on a regular basis, it is also important that you care for your teeth by brushing and flossing each day. Everyone knows that they should practice good oral hygiene and see their dentist for preventative care, but not everyone knows all of the services that a dentist in Camp Hill PA can provide. By understanding when to seek treatment from your dentist, you will be better prepared for making sure that your receive the care that you need.

Most people see the dentist in Camp Hill PA when they are in pain. Dental pain can be caused by many different conditions like cavities, tooth injuries and even infections. While most people know that they can be seen at the dentist and have their cavity filled, they may not be aware of other treatments that are available for treating dental pain. If your tooth is infected, the dentist can offer you treatment by removing the infection and cleaning out your gums or your tooth. You can also have medication treatments that can help to remove the infection. If your pain is caused by an injury, the dentist also has methods of repairing your tooth and preventing loss.

If your tooth becomes severely damaged, the dentist can cover it with a crown, pull it and put a dental implant in or even repair it with a special putty. If your tooth is causing you constant pain, you can have a root canal done. This will remove the soft inner tissue of the tooth, along with the nerve so that you no longer feel pain. This can help to save your tooth from being lost or from becoming further damaged.

Now that you know what services your dentist can provide and when you should see your dentist, you can be better prepared for receiving the care that you need. By seeing your dentist on a regular basis and caring for your teeth and gums at home, you can keep your smile healthy.

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