If you get arrested and must post bail, you also need to meet certain conditions. While the bail amount that is set establishes the amount for a jail release, the bail conditions establish what the defendant must do to remain out of court custody.
Therefore, obtaining bail bonds in Jefferson County, TX is a complex and regulated process. You need to speak to a bail bonds agent to understand how bail conditions and the payment of bail pertain to your arrest and upcoming trial.
For example, when you post bail, you will need to check in before the trial with a pretrial service officer. A pretrial officer tracks a defendant before the trial date to make sure that he or she complies with the conditions set by the court.
How to Find Out More Details Online
If you want to get directions along these lines, you need to click here to obtain full information about the bail bond process and bail conditions. For example, if you are accused of making a criminal threat or threatening violence, you may be issued an order of no contact. The order, just as it sounds, keeps the defendant from contacting an alleged victim.
Make Sure That You Have a Viable Way to Make a Living
Maybe you are employed. If so, the bail bonds representative will insist that you stay employed while awaiting trial. This is important not only to repay the bail but to comply with the court. The judge usually will order that a defendant remain working. If you do not work, you probably will need to get some type of employment.
Bail bonds, when imposed, restrict travel for the defendant as well. If you are on bail, you typically cannot leave where you live. You may only travel outside the boundaries of your community if you get an okay by the pretrial services officer or the court.