We all have times when our finances get out of line and cause us a great deal of stress. If you are facing a large amount of debt and feel there is no relief in sight, it may be time to consider filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can help you get a fresh start by minimizing the amount of debt that you have, or creating an affordable repayment plan to help you get your finances back on track. Before you rush out and talk to a Bankruptcy Attorney in Suffolk County NY, make sure you know what to expect. It is important to have information on hand that can help the attorney process your bankruptcy claim and get you closer to a debt free future.
Debtor Information
The most critical information the attorney will need is a listing of your debtors. If you can, bring them a copy of all of your statements so they can see real figures of your debt situation. If you don’t have this information on hand, you may need to consider having a credit report ran, so you can paint the most accurate picture of your financial situation for the attorney.
Income Information
Bring income statements form all of your forms of employment. This includes alimony and child support. The Bankruptcy Attorney in Suffolk County NY that you work with will use this to help prove to a court that you cannot afford your debt, and that your only resolution is complete forgiveness of your loans or a wage based repayment program.
Asset Information
Provide the attorney with a print out of all of your bank and investment account statements. You should also bring information pertaining to any land you may own to the meeting. This will be used to help determine if you qualify for bankruptcy, and if you may be required to liquidate your assets in order to pay off debtors before the court will forgive any portion of your debt.
Don’t let the idea of filing bankruptcy scare you. People choose this route to help better their financial situation everyday. If you live in the Suffolk County area, Contact Jeff H. Morgenstern. He and his team will help you through the entire process, so you can get the relief you need. Call his office today so you can take the first step in getting the secure financial future that you deserve.