What you need to know about breast implants

by | Jul 7, 2014 | Health

Any reasonably healthy woman who wishes to increase the size and shape of her breasts will be a good candidate for breast implants in Beverly Hills. The best candidates are those women who do not smoke, are at or near their ideal weight and have enough tissue to support and cover the implant.

There are very few risks associated with breast augmentation; the most common problems are infection after the surgery, bruising and bleeding, a loss or decrease in sensation, asymmetry or an implant rupture. When a tear-drop shaped implant is used there is a slight possibility of malrotation of the actual implant, should this happen the breast will appear misshaped. It is also worth mentioning that it may be a little more difficult to feel if there are any lumps or other abnormalities in the breast.

Recovery time after getting breast implants in Beverly Hills varies depending on where the incision was made and where the implants are placed. Generally speaking after two days of rest followed by another few days of reduced activity most patients are capable of returning to work. For several weeks after the procedure the breasts may be a little swollen and sore but this is short lived.

There are different types of implants based on texture, shape and composition. Implants can be smooth or they can have a slightly textured surface. Many surgeons believe that textured implants reduce the risk of capsular contracture which is hardening of the breasts due to scar tissue. Implants can be round or shaped like a tear-drop. Many patients prefer the tear-drop shaped implant as it looks more natural but there is a chance of malrotation. Implants are available either as silicone or saline. Silicone implants have a more natural feel to them but the choice is purely personal.

When the patient is ready to have the implants placed the surgeon will incise in one of four places. The incision can be made on the lower border of the areola, it can be made in the natural crease at the bottom of the breast; it can be introduced through the armpit or the navel. The choice of incision area will be made by the surgeon as here are specifics to be met for each particular case.

Most breast implants in Beverly Hills will need replacing sooner or later; this is especially true with saline implants which may rupture. As the fluid is saline there is no risk to the woman’s health but it will mean that the implant will have to be removed and replaced.

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