What You Need to Do After Merging and Integrating Your Company’s Data?

by | Jul 26, 2019 | Computer And Internet

When two companies merge, their databases must also be integrated. The integration of different databases can be complicated and time-consuming, which is why this task is typically outsourced to experts who specialize in the task. Use this post-merger integration checklist in order to ensure that your databases hold accurate, precise and clean information that you can use in the future.

Check for Duplicate Records

After a merger of your company with another firm, the integration of databases could result in some duplicate records. In some cases, this results from a slight mismatch of information. For example, a customer’s file could have “Street” instead of “Avenue” in the address. This could be enough of a difference to create duplicate records.

Look for Obvious Errors

It is also important to look for obvious errors after an integration of databases. Some systems can do strange things when data is combined or fields are merged based on a common identifier. Some errors to look for include impossible dates or addresses that do not exist. You could have your information technology team or data integration specialists check the merged files against the information contained in the original files in order to detect these errors.

Run Reports and See If They Match

Your post-merger integration checklist should also include running reports from the integrated databases in order to see if the results match previous results. This should be done assuming that the source of the data is identified in the merged database. The report should only pull files from the integrated database that were in one company’s past files. Doing this report allows you to verify whether records were lost or if some got mixed up during the integration process.

If your company is merging and you need to integrate your data, then you might want to contact or visit the website.

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