When people are looking for the best period cup, they often choose one that comes with a menstrual cup case. The best companies donate a cup for each menstrual cup with case that is purchased, and a portion of the sales goes towards ending human trafficking. This type of product is FDA registered and gynecologist recommended, and people can get rid of the expense of tampons and pads.
Using a Menstrual Cup
Many people choose to use a menstrual cup because it collects the blood instead of absorbing it the way that tampons and pads do. People take the cup out of the menstrual cup case at the start of the cycle, and then they boil it for less than five minutes to sanitize it. Then once it has cooled, they use the instructions to insert it into the vagina, and it collects the blood.
The cup is easy to use and it is a clean option. People wash it with warm water each time they empty it and then they store it in the menstrual cup case between cycles. Using one is cost-effective and environmentally friendly, and they are easy to use.
Benefits of Using the Period Cup
There are a number of benefits to using a period cup. First, it comes with a quality menstrual cup case, which makes it easy to keep it clean and store it between cycles. The cup is affordable, and people save money because they don’t have to buy tampons or pads. In addition, the cup holds more blood than a tampon and it is designed to maintain the vagina’s PH balance. They are made with 100% medical-grade materials, and they are biocompatibility certified and safe.