An optometrist is a doctor of optometry who is licensed to perform eye examinations, prescribe glasses or other corrective lenses as well as diagnosing and treating eye disease. The optometrist can prescribe drugs and perform various vision therapies which are intended to treat eye abnormalities. In the event the optometrist sees that eye surgery is required, the patient will be referred to an ophthalmologist who is a specialized medical doctor.
It is thought by many that it is better to see an ophthalmologist for an eye exam rather than an optometrist in Hutchinson, KS. Of course, one can see an ophthalmologist, although as the optometrist specializes in non-invasive eye therapies, eye exams and treatment for eye diseases and the ophthalmologist specializes in surgery you may be better off to pick the specialist that is most suited for your requirements. You will find that the fees of an ophthalmologist are higher and you may actually have the test conducted by an in-house optometrist anyway. Unless you genuinely have an eye problem that needs surgical correction, visiting an optometrist for routine eye care will definitely be more cost effective.
Once an individual has completed four years of education at university or an accredited college, that person is now eligible to enroll in a school of optometry where a four year course must be completed prior to sitting in the state board examination. The exam is a combination of written and clinical questions. Once the state board exam has been successfully passed the individual can now practice optometry or can elect to attend a further one year of school where he or she may specialize in certain areas such as ocular disease, vision therapy and pediatric optometry.
Today, optometrists are often found working in vision centers that are located in shopping malls. A patient can stop into a vision center, have the eyes examined by a licensed optometrist and then, if necessary, have the corrective lenses ground on the spot. These vision centers carry a large selection of frames as well as offering contact lenses and vision care products.
If you are experiencing any blurring of your vision or you sense stinging or burning sensations you should see an optometrist in Hutchinson, KS immediately.
If you are sensing any difficulties with your vision do not let it pass by, visit an Optometrist in Hutchinson, KS as quickly as possible. You are welcome at Business Name.