What Happens When You Get Veneers in Daytona Beach, FL?

by | Nov 27, 2013 | Dental Care

Are you unhappy with your smile? Do you cringe when you see the appearance of your teeth? If so, you are certainly not alone. Many people are unhappy with their smiles and seek treatments each year from cosmetic dentists. Over the years, there have been many advances in dental care and dentists are now able to restore smiles like never before. Through Veneers in Daytona Beach, FL, you can have your teeth perfected, even if you are suffering from staining, damages, malformations and even gaps in your teeth.

How are Veneers in Daytona Beach, FL Placed on Your Teeth?

Many people have heard about veneers, but you may not be aware of how they are placed on the teeth. A veneer is a thin sheet of porcelain that is used to cover the cosmetic issues on your teeth. The dentist will first remove the very outermost layer of your enamel. This allows for just enough room for the veneer, without causing your teeth to stick out further than your normal smile.

Once removed, the dentist will take a special tool and will cause your teeth to have a rough outer surface. This roughening is imperative because it will allow the adhesive to better penetrate the tooth and make a permanent bond between your teeth and the veneers.

The veneers are placed on each of your teeth, using a special dental cement that quickly hardens. Each veneer is carefully shaped and can even be tinted, to make sure it fits in well with your surrounding teeth. This process is done meticulously so your smile looks as natural as possible.

When all of your veneers are in place, the dentist will advise you on how to care for your new smile. It is important for you to be careful in caring for your teeth. The dentist may advise you to avoid certain foods and will schedule you for subsequent maintenance appointments. With proper care, your veneers can last for many years.

If you want veneers for your smile, contact Beville Dental Care, They have all of the dental treatments you need, to keep your smile looking its best.

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