What Criminal Lawyers Wants You to Know

by | Oct 19, 2012 | Lawyers

When you are working with criminal attorneys to represent you there are a few things that criminal attorneys wish for you to do and not do. When you have hired a criminal attorney you want them to represent you and carry you through your case and court proceedings helping you to a fair and justified trial. You have already been accused of the crime and in enough heat the last thing you want to do is cause more trouble and work for criminal attorneys.

During your time of trial you should refrain from talking about any part of the case to anyone other than your criminal attorney. During your arrest you are read your rights that state you have the right to remain silent so even in if police officers are contacting you wanting to speak to you, you should remain quiet and refer their questions to your criminal lawyer. You will have officers and other members of the case say that you would be helping the case for you to answer their questions. Anything you say can be misinterpreted to mean something completely different and even the way you speak or conduct yourself can cause trouble for your case. It’s best to remain silent and refuse to meet with anyone other than your criminal lawyers.

When told to stay quiet about the case and any information regarding the case this also means to keep this information from family and friends. Any information you tell your lawyer will be kept private and confidential. Words said to family or friends can conflict the case and cause more ramifications later. This still stays in order when incarcerated, you still want to refrain from speaking to anyone about details of the case. Often times you may be monitored when speaking, or through letters so it’s best just to keep your mouth closed about the case.

When speaking to your criminal lawyers you must speak the truth to him. Again, all things said to your lawyer will be confidential but you do not want to lie and cause conflict later when the truth does surface. A criminal lawyer is on your side, they have heard it all. It’s their job to represent you with integrity and trust. They want you to be treated fairly and have a just trial not to bring the wrath on you.

During your time of conviction, tell your criminal lawyers your concerns. Anything you may be worried about you should express to your criminal lawyer. Your lawyer will be there to address your concerns and help elevate what he can, even if it’s embarrassment of how your co-workers will react, they will be there to help you.

Even when you just don’t understand what is going on or how your life will be during and after this ordeal, ask your criminal lawyer to help you. There are no stupid questions. They want you to know what is going on and want to make sure you are well aware of how to handle what you are going through.

Criminal Lawyers Bradenton – The Law Office of Wyndel G. Darville can represent you when you face criminal charges.

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