What Are the Values That a Christian Man Holds?

by | Jan 2, 2019 | Religion

It is not very difficult to itemize the values that a Christian man may hold because they are so often identical to the values of his church. As an example, just as a church might exist to express the transformative and saving power of Jesus, and help establish His rule and reign on Earth, so too will a modern Christian man seek to do the same. He will often do this through such values as:

  • Living in a way that meets God’s expectations or purpose set out for him specifically
  • Being a living and active disciple of Jesus, becoming like Him in every deed, thought and word
  • Playing a part in his community and church community, working with fellow Christians to reveal God’s purpose and love to the world

Modern Christian men have a lot of opportunities to live their faith, and particularly when their church offers up Christian life groups for men. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of life groups, some of the most modern and active churches use them to help their members connect themselves stronger to their faith. This is done by building fellowship. As an example, Christian life groups for men will come together on a weekly basis and discuss the weekly sermon or upcoming scriptures.

It shouldn’t just end there. The point of effective Christian life groups for men will be to remind every man in attendance that he has a purpose greater than himself, and an army of fellow Christian men behind him. God created men to live in a way that goes beyond his capabilities, to serve a purpose beyond his own. This is possible, but not in isolation. Christian life groups for men create covenant relationships between men that allow them to connect and relate to one another, discuss the challenges faced, pressures of life and feelings of frustration, doubt or fear that they may not meet their fullest potential.

Using a spirit of energy and all to glorify God, these groups will feel more like fun with the man participating in worship, fellowship (including meals and activities), and study. Surrounded by fellow Christian men, individuals can express what is in their hearts and get all of the support they need to uphold their values and live their faith.

If you like the idea of becoming part of a life group that focuses on the values of Christian men, there is a huge array of opportunities to join one at Southpoint Community Church.

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