What are some of the pros and cons of grass tennis courts?

by | Feb 24, 2014 | Sports And Games

Grass tennis courts are the only playing surfaces that changes character considerably with wear. This is very obvious at Wimbledon where the world’s best players battle it out over a two week period. Grass, after all is a living thing and although it is tough, very few small plants such as a blade of grass can take the abuse given to it by a world class player running and sliding to change direction or digging in to stop on a dime. The courts at Wimbledon are beautifully manicured and a lush green on the first day of the tournament and the surface goes downhill from then on.

Those involved in tennis court construction and repair in Sarasota FL are very familiar with the punishment that a grass court gets just as they are aware of how the ball reacts. When the court is fresh and well groomed the ball bounced fast, low and consistent. Most tennis shots are hit low over the net and at pace, when the ball strikes the grass the blades bend forward providing a surface which is conducive to the ball skidding forward with little to slow it down. Because the game is so fast, a grass court provides the least exercise but it is the hardest on the arm and elbow because the ball hits the racket with tremendous force.

Although grass courts have their disadvantages, they also have advantages for the players. Tennis court construction and repair in Sarasota FL tell their clients to expect the surface to be easy on their legs as the surface is soft and the short points due to the speed means less running. The ball normally comes into the player at a lower angle of attack and on these ground strokes there is less arm strain when the ball is met low. In the event the player slips, and the surface can be slippery especially if it is slightly damp, the grass cushions the fall.

Grass courts lend themselves to serve and volley play. Although hitting the ball while it is low is easier on the arm, it does make it more difficult to get top spin on the ball so there is an advantage to hitting the ball while it is still in the air.

Playing on a grass surface provides for a versatile game, easy on shoes, easy on balls and easy on the player.

Stewart Tennis Courts & Fencing offers quality tennis court construction and repair in Sarasota FL. Visit website to know more.

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