One of the most important systems in a home is the water heating system. Having a good supply of heated water is essential in not only keeping a home clean but also the persons residing in it healthy and well. Because of this whenever the water heater in a home stops working, it is a good idea to contact a repairperson from a company who handles Plumbing Services in Jacksonville FL as soon as possible.
Most plumbers will first want to examine the system to ensure the various systems going into the unit are working well. This can include the water, electricity and/or gas. Many times a water heater will stop working because of one of these lines being damaged or switched off.
If the lines supply power and water to the unit are in good order, a plumber from a company who handles Plumbing Jacksonville FL will then want to spend some time looking at the components used to heat the water. This can include the heating elements or the pilot light, thermocouples and burner on a gas unit. These components can wear out easily, so the repair person will want to inspect them and replace them if necessary.
The tank on the unit can also be lined with sediment, which can prevent the transfer of heat from the unit to the water. This can be checked by attaching a hose to the drain valve and allowing a portion of water to drain from the tank into a bucket. A plumber from a Plumbing company Jacksonville FL will then be able to determine if there is a good amount of sediment in the water. If there is, he or she will want to flush the tank. This is done by shutting off the water and allowing all the water to drain out of the unit. Once the water is out, the water will be switched on to the unit and allowed to run straight through the unit until it comes out clear again. This will effectively remove the sediment from the tank and it may result in the unit heating the water again.
If the unit is still not producing hot water after this work, then it most likely will need repairs, which are may be more costly. In such a situation, replacing the tank with a new unit may be the best option.
Contact American Plumbling Contractors today!