Understanding How To Treat Your Back And Neck Pain In Wilkes Barre PA

by | Oct 25, 2018 | Health

Back And Neck Pain Wilkes Barre PA can be some of the most debilitating discomfort a person can endure. The odd thing is, you may not even know how the injury occurred. Some spinal misalignment can result from sudden movement, but the irritation and pain can take hours and even days to appear. Of course, not all back and neck injuries are spinal related. Pulled muscles and torn ligaments can be very painful as well. At least these are more responsive to less invasive treatments like physical therapy.

It can be difficult to say what the worst case scenario may be if you injure your back. In the case of most accidents, the first concern is paralysis and partial mobility. This is perhaps the primary reason people are warned about moving an injured person. If the spinal column has suffered from stress or fracture any movement of the spine could result in more damage to the nervous system. Some quick indications for possible spine or nerve damage are burning, shooting or stabbing pain in the extremities or the feeling of hundreds of pins and needles poking the legs or arms. Severe numbness in the hands and feet are also possible indications of nerve damage or the existence of a pinched nerve.

One of the possible side effects of Back And Neck Pain Wilkes Barre PA is headaches. This could well be one of the most misdiagnosed medical symptom on the planet and millions of people suffer them regularly. While many of those headaches are due to stress or poor diet, at least some of them are related to undiagnosed neck injuries. These injuries could have occurred at any time, for example from a childhood fall or a minor automobile accident. Practically any sudden whip like movement could cause a misalignment in the neck vertebra which if left untreated could result in severe headaches.

Not all Back And Neck Pain Wilkes Barre PA is injury related. Several diseases affect the back, neck and spinal column. Arthritis and scoliosis are the two most commonly known illnesses. Another, Degenerative Disc Disease affects the disc between the vertebra. These discs act like cushions and over time they will degenerate or wear out causing stress on the spine. Visit our websitor like us on Facebook.

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