Types of Injuries That Require a Personal Injury Lawyer in Dallas, TX

by | May 29, 2023 | Law Services

When a personal injury takes place, there are several reasons for it. Normally, they will occur due to negligence. When negligence occurs, it is another person’s fault and not the victim’s. So, if any of the below injuries take place, you should be in touch with a personal injury lawyer in Dallas, TX.

Car Accidents

When a car accident takes place, there will always be an at-fault party. Besides a car itself, other vehicles that could cause an accident may include dirt bikes and ATVs.


If you think that you have received an injury due to malpractice from your doctor, then you should be in touch with an experienced personal injury attorney. If malpractice is suspected, it can be difficult to prove that an injury was caused by medical negligence. Regardless of the challenge, there may be some entitlement involved.

Animal Bites

When an animal bite is sustained, and the animal has an owner, the owner will be the negligent party leading to the injury. Depending on the circumstances of the bite, you may have a valid case.

Injuries Occurring While on the Clock

When you are working and you become injured, then you can expect to see compensation after getting in touch with a personal injury lawyer in Dallas, TX. Plus, you will also be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

A Wrongful Death Occurs

When a family member sustained a fatal injury due to the actions of others, you should have an attorney review your case for possible personal injury damages. When a wrongful death case is sought, it will be to help alleviate the financial hardship a loved one may endure due to loss of income from the deceased.

By scheduling a consultation with Van Wey, Metzler & Williams, PLLC, their team of experienced lawyers will review your case and file the necessary claims. When you are ready, get in touch with them.

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