It’s simple to make a few cycle repairs Solihull that will make your bike go faster, ride smoother and shift easier. Here are a few tricks that require no specific mechanical knowledge or tools, you riding however, will quickly improve.
The chain:
Keep the chain of your bike clean and well lubricated. The chain and sprockets transfer the power to the wheels from your legs and when they get dirty and gummed up, the power transfer is not as efficient as it can be, furthermore, the parts will wear out faster. This is not something that you have too concern yourself with everyday but once in a while use an oil specially made for use on bikes. This oil is very lightweight whereas motor oil is heavy and attracts dirt and dust. Lubricate the chain sparingly and wipe off all the excess otherwise your pant leg will.
Brakes and derailleurs:
A bike actually has a quite a few moving parts and they should all be kept lightly lubricated. The pivot points on the brakes and the derailleur should be kept lubricated because their position on the bike is a natural target for dirt. The brakes are usually mounted directly above the tyre on a pivot bolt, all the water and mud that is thrown up by the wheel accumulates on this point and rust will set in quickly is not protected.
Brake pads:
Keep your eyes open for any problem with the brake pads.
1. Are they properly aligned? Make sure the brake pads are both coming into contact on the rims equally, also check to see that they are only clamping on the rims and not the tyres.
2. Are the pads toed in? The brake pads are intended to have a little bit of toe-in, this means that the leading edge of the pad should come into contact with rim first, as you continue to exert pressure; the entire pad touches the rim. This is done to stop the brakes from squealing.
3. Are the brake pads clean? Check to see that no bits have found their way into the rubber brake pads. If you notice any grit or metal bits, pick them out with a sharp tool, this helps the brakes to work better and also prevents excessive wear and scratching of the rims.
Air pressure:
To make peddling easier and to extend the life of your tyres, make sure the air pressure is optimized. Check the pressure every time you prepare to ride and you will be able to avoid most cycle repairs in Solihull.
If you find that you do need cycle repairs in Solihull, contact Bike Fixers, the mobile bike repair service. Rather than you take your bike to the shop, they come to your home or office and do the repairs on the spot.