Trust Dentistry In Warrenton To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

by | Jul 8, 2014 | Dental Care

If you aren’t going to your dentist at least twice a year, you may be putting your teeth and your health at risk. You may not realize it but brushing and flossing your teeth each day is still not enough to keep your teeth and gum’s as healthy as they need to be. Throughout the day, a sticky substance known as plaque builds up on the surface of your teeth. Brushing and flossing removes most of the plaque from the surface of your teeth but it leaves behind plaque deposits between your teeth and below the gum line. The plaque that is left behind can harden and become tartar if it is not removed. Gainesville Dental Associates will provide you with the dental cleanings you need to remove the tartar from your teeth.

Tartar that is left on your teeth can lead to tooth decay, cavities and gum disease. Did you know that gum disease is the leading cause of premature tooth loss in adults? Tooth loss can be prevented by routine dental exams and teeth cleanings. Sadly, many people wait until it is too late and as a result have to endure more invasive dental procedures to treat the problems. One of those dental procedures is the deep cleaning.

Deep cleanings can be quite uncomfortable. In fact, many dentists will provide anesthesia before deep cleanings. Dentistry in Warrenton will provide for your deep cleanings if you should need them. Deep cleanings include scaling and planing of the root and area below the gum line. The tartar and tooth decay will be scraped off the root. Once the decay and tartar are removed, the dentist will plane the root to smooth the surface and remove rough edges left by the scaling. The dentist will also clean the periodontal sac to remove any bacteria or debris that might be present. Your dentist may also prescribe antibiotics and medicated oral rinses to prevent the disease from returning.

If it has been more than six months since your last dental exam, you need to see your dentist. Dentistry in Warrenton will keep your teeth and help prevent premature tooth loss. Click here for more details.

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