Troubleshooting a central air conditioner

by | Mar 29, 2013 | Heating and Air Conditioning

An air conditioning system goes through a lot and there are a considerable number of components and elements that makes the system work. Periodically the central air conditioner gives out very little or no cool air at all. The problem may be something that only can be rectified by calling for air conditioning repair in Gainesville VA, but the problem may be something that you can fix.

Problem: The unit refuses to turn on:

Possible causes:

The cause will be in the electrical circuitry, a blown circuit breaker, a faulty or wrongly set thermostat or switch.

Possible solutions:

Assure yourself the thermostat is set to cool

Set the thermostat to a temperature lower than the temperature of the room

Make a check of the 240 volt breaker for the compressor and the 110 volt breaker for the furnace blower. If they fail again after being reset call for air conditioning repair in Gainesville VA or an electrician.

Check to see that all switches controlling the air conditioner are set to the on position

Problem: Poor air flow from room vents:

Possible causes:

Poor air flow is usually the fault of dirty filters or a blocked duct to certain parts of the house, or a ducting section that has parted from the next section at a joint

Possible solutions:

Clean or replace the air filter

Inspect all ductwork; look for any sections that have become disconnected. You must look at all ductwork no matter how difficult the position may be
Check the dampers on the room vents, make sure they are open

Problem: Inadequate dehumidifying – oversized system

Possible causes:

When an air conditioning system is too large for the house, it will result in poor dehumidification and the cycles of off-on will be very short. A system which is too large will cool the area so quickly that there is not sufficient time for the air to make its way across the coil to be dehumidified. When the thermostat registers the correct temperature and shuts the system off, the air will still contain too much humidity.

Possible solutions:

The only solution to this problem is to replace the condensing coils so they are of the proper size. You can attempt to load the system by air conditioning your garage or basement but this is not economical in the long run. For this, you need to contact air conditioning repair in Gainesville VA to replace the coils.

Problem: Inadequate dehumidifying – correctly sized system

Possible causes:

When the system has been sized right and there is insufficient dehumidification, the cause can be excessive humidity in the home. This may be caused by water leaks, open windows, improper condensate drainage from the air conditioner or venting a clothes dryer into the house.

Possible solutions:

* Keep all windows closed

* Make sure the condensate drain is working properly

* Use a dehumidifier for supplemental dehumidification

Troubleshooting is one thing, repair is another, if simple procedures cannot get your system running properly, then call for air conditioning repair in Gainesville VA.

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