When contracting with anyone, there should always be research prior to signing anything in writing. Does this contractor have good or poor verified reviews? Platforms such as Google and Facebook do not have to verify that the account had actually received services from a business prior to writing a review.
The Better Business Bureau requires verified contact; this means that it is a verified customer who has actually encountered the contractor, whether it be that they received service or sought service with the company. Those who leave reviews cannot be someone who was paid or someone with a personal issue with an employee, such as an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend.
What Else Should I Look for?
Prior to signing any documentation, ask if the business has insurance, proper licenses, and valid certifications. If you have any doubts that they do not carry said items, ask if you can have a copy. Legitimate companies often offer to let you pay a percentage of the amount due down and the rest upon completion; this protects the homeowner from being scammed.
Finding a trustworthy contractor providing tree service in Monterey CA is not difficult once you have checked every box off the checklist.
Other Types of Tree Services
Tree removal is not the only type of service offered by a tree service in Monterey CA. A homeowner may have a tree that they love, but the branches are now swinging over their home, compromising their roof. Another type of tree service is tree trimming. The company will be able to properly trim the tree or trees needed without the cost of full removal. For more information, please visit Mountain Valley Tree Service.