Planning on moving soon? Have a lot of junk like old furniture and appliances that need to go before the move? Services that provide junk removal in Seattle, WA help people lighten their loads. Here’s how these services work.
Truck Hauling Services
What comes to mind when most people think of junk removal services is: a large truck shows up at their property, and the junk gets hauled away. People who plan to use truck hauling services should remember that it’s not 100% full service. People need to get their junk to the end of their driveways and place it in a pile ready for the haulers.
Dumpster Hauling Services
Another effective service that helps people get rid of their junk quickly is the dumpster hauling service. People who choose this service rent a dumpster for a predetermined period and load their junk into the dumpster. The cost is based on the dumpster’s size and sometimes its weight.
Junk Removal Companies Don’t Take Everything
Before placing old items in a dumpster or hauling them out to the end of the driveway to get hauled away, people must know what these services will take. While most accept freezers, refrigerators, mattresses, old televisions, construction materials, etc., most refuse the following items:
* Opened paint cans
* Chemicals
* Solvents
* Gasoline
* Asbestos
* Toxic or hazardous waste
A good rule to follow is: when in doubt, ask. Don’t assume the service will take all junk. Doing so could result in additional charges.
For more information about junk removal in Seattle, WA, contact Business Name online at their website.