Tips To Creating The Right Spa Consulting NYC Service

by | Jun 12, 2013 | Healthcare

As most customers would tell you when evaluating why they frequent a service oriented business, it has to do with the service. Whether you are asking about a restaurant, a retail sales boutique or if you are visiting a spa, customer service is what keeps the customer coming back. There are roughly 16,000 spas in the United States and it is an almost 10 million dollar business. There is considerable money to be make and working with Spa Consulting, NYC may help ensure success with good customer service.

There are proven ways to keep a customer happy and coming back for a service. Professionalism, courteousness, pleasantness and a clean appearance is at the top of the list. Punctuality when starting the appointment with a public viewing of hand washing before a spa technician or therapist works on you is noticed and expected.

A simple practice that is recommended with Spa Consulting, NYC is to always remain with the client. It is common for a therapist to apply a body wrap and then allow the client to sit in silence and solitude. It is recommended that the client be informed of this process beforehand and ask if this is desirable by the client. Some clients expect to be kept company and are insulted when left alone to tend to their own needs. This is true for shower treatments or bath soaks as well.

One of the final steps in a skin care procedure is to give a final synopsis of skin condition. If there are causes for concern or simple recommendations to improve problem areas, the final setting of a spa treatment is when the time is appropriate. An experienced esthetician specializes in skin care and can make suggestions without feeling like the client is involved in a pressured sales call.

Lastly, in addition to focusing on the service, joining with groups such as Amenity Design Consulting can help arrange a spa presence that is relaxing and welcoming. Music, lights, candles and aromas are just the beginning when creating the right relaxation ambiance that can only be followed up with an experienced masseuse and esthetician.

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