Tips from Your Auto Accident Lawyer

by | Nov 12, 2012 | Law Services

If you have been in an accident and you are now struggling with some kind of lawsuit in order to get what you feel you deserve, you might hire an auto accident lawyer. When you hire an auto accident lawyer, the best thing you can do for yourself is listen to the tips that come from the lawyer’s office. The more you listen, the better your case will go. Here are a few tips you might get from your auto accident lawyer.

Tip#1: Keep All Possible Evidence
You will want to keep anything and everything that might possible be used as evidence in your case. That means the pill bottles, braces, prescriptions, casts and any other items your doctor may have used to help you with your injuries. All of these items are evidence of what you have been through and they might become important to the case. These items need to be saved and preserved until your case it complete.

Tip#2: Take Pictures
If you have visible injuries or if there is damage on your car, you will want to have a photographer document those injuries. Videotape is also a great way to show how difficult things are for you because of your injury. And you will want to have actual pictures of your car instead of just the car repair estimates. Estimates are sometimes misleading and do not always reflect the whole amount of the vehicle damage.

Tip#3: Notify Your Lawyer about IMEs
When you are going through an auto accident trial, the other side will ask you to see an insurance medical examiner, or an IME. These doctors are not independent doctors, but really insurance company physicians who will do their best to find nothing wrong with you. When you get notice that you are being asked to see an IME, you need to talk to your auto accident attorney right away to get further instructions.

Tip#4: Watch for SSD Filing
Your auto accident lawyer might tell you that your insurance company will force you to apply for Social Security Disability instead of simply paying your claim. If that happens to you, you have to apply, even if you think you will eventually recover and go back to work. What happens in that filing process can affect your case, based on how you fill out the forms. You will want to make sure your auto accident lawyer helps you with that process so that you do not make a mistake that could cost you in the future.

These are just a few of the priceless tips that your auto accident lawyer can help you understand during your accident case. These tips, among others, can make or break your overall case.

When you are in an auto accident, you might have the need for an auto accident lawyer to help and the best in New Jersey are featured on.

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