Adults become quite selfish when they are going through a divorce, claiming every possible possession as their own. Sometimes, it’s pure selfishness which prompts them to request custody of the children, instead of thinking of what’s best for a child. Some parents push for joint physical custody of a child, forcing them to go back and forth between two homes when in reality it would be in the child’s best interest to establish roots in one home or the other with liberal visitation policies. Parents so often can’t look past their own hurt feelings with each other to maintain a working relationship with their former partner. Following are some tips Child custody attorneys in Sierra Vista suggest if you’re going through a divorce, to help you keep the needs of the child at the forefront.
So many parents fall into the trap of bad-talking the other parent around the child. This undermines the other parent and makes you appear bitter. Instead, vent to a friend, dog or stuffed animal, but do not let your child be your sounding board. Additionally, do not put your child in the middle, making them choose one parent over the other. This will cause resentment from your child and former partner, and honestly, hasn’t there been enough of that already?
When you have messages for your ex, do not use your child to deliver them. Phone them yourself, text message or email, but do not ask your child to act a middleman and deliver messages for you. If all else fails, utilize Child custody attorneys in Sierra Vista to get your message to your ex. That’s part of what you pay them for.
When dealing with your former spouse, treat them much like you would a colleague. Remember, the business of raising your child is a joint venture which never ends. When corresponding with your ex, keep topics civil, speak clearly and slowly, eliminating all sarcasm and attitude from your speech. Keep a neutral tone when talking and remember the success of your business is your child’s happiness and well-being.