It’s a shame when a tree has to come down but there are times when it is unavoidable. Perhaps the tree is decayed and poses a danger or maybe it is in the way of a new addition you planning for your house. Whatever the reason, removing the tree is tricky and can be very dangerous if not done right.
It’s advisable that tree removal service in Decatur be done by a team of responsible professionals who know exactly what they are doing and have all the safety apparatus that is required. Any tree over twenty feet tall should be taken down by people who know exactly what to expect, however, the homeowner can take down smaller trees.
First step is safety:
Before you even think about starting the chainsaw you must observe the surrounding area. If there are any obstacles they need to be removed or they must be clear of the fell path. Have a good look at the tree and decide which direction you want it to go and then look for two escape routes, one on either side of the fell line leading away from the area.
You will need the proper safety attire; a hard hat, full face guard, leather gloves, safety boots and leather chaps. This gear will protect you from the flying wood chips which can be very sharp and they travel at a fast rate. The boots should have a deep tread to allow you good purchase when operating the saw. Make sure the chain on the saw is sharp before you begin.
Dropping the tree:
Climb into the tree and fasten a sturdy rope to the trunk, the rope should then be taken in the direction of the tree to fall. For this operation you will need a helper to keep tension on the rope. Make sure the rope is much longer than the height of the tree so that you will avoid any mishaps. Cut a 90 degree notch in the direction of fall, the notch should be 45 degrees either side of center. The depth of the notch should be no more than 25 percent of the tree diameter. On the opposite side of the tree make a horizontal cut into the trunk at least two inches above the center of the notch, never below it. As the tree begins to fall, you stop the chain saw and leave the area by one of your escape routes. The helper will guide the fall with rope tension.
Once the tree is down, begin removing the limbs, starting at the bottom and work your way up. Once the trunk is bare, chop it into manageable sizes for disposal by the company that does tree removal Decatur area.