Dentures are made to replace the teeth that you have lost, and need to be taken care of just as much as your teeth did before them. If you got your dentures in Arlington, then you will want to know exactly how to take care of them on a regular basis. Below you will find some tips for taking care of your dentures, after you leave the Arlington Family Dentistry clinic.
The first thing you need to know is that you have the option of asking your dentist about any problems that you have with your dentures after you leave the clinic. You don’t just get fitted for your Dentures in Arlington, walk out the door, and have no one to call if they don’t fit right, or if you have other problems. The dentist is there to help you with any questions that you might have.
Make sure that you remove and rinse your dentures after every meal or even every snack that you have. You can use cold water or an oral irrigation device to remove any food that gets stuck in your dentures.
You will need to inspect your dentures for any food that is still stuck in them, after the rinsing, and remove that as well. You can use waxed dental floss to remove the remaining food, and then rinse the dentures again.
Make sure that you brush your dentures with a soft bristled toothbrush on a daily basis. You want to take care of your dentures in the same way that you take care of your regular teeth. Dirty dentures can infect your gums if you aren’t careful.
Make sure that you keep regular appointments with your dentist, just like you did when you still had your original teeth. You will also need to talk to your dentist about what type of adhesive you will need to use on your dentures to keep them in place. Taking care of your dentures isn’t all that hard, however, you have to follow the tips above. These are your second chance at having the teeth you lost, you will want to treat them in the right way.