Tips For Lowering Your Energy Cost With A Fuel Oil Company In Quincy MA

by | Sep 25, 2014 | Business

Over the past few years, many homeowners have seen a dramatic increase in their heating and cooling costs. Sadly this has put many people in a financial strain. Some people have even considered moving to a smaller home with hopes that it would lower their energy bill. If you’ve been struggling to pay your heating bill, there are a few tips that you can follow to reduce your bill by up to twenty-five percent.

One way to reduce your energy costs to contact a Fuel Oil Company in Quincy MA to have routine maintenance done on your heating system. Unfortunately, small problems with your system tend to go unnoticed and they can reduce the efficiency of your system and increase your heating bill. If you feel that you can’t afford to have your equipment serviced, be sure to ask the fuel oil company about maintenance plans that may save you money.

Another way to lower your energy costs is to replace your older windows with energy efficient ones. Keep in mind that replacing all of the windows in your home can be rather expensive and if you don’t feel that you can afford to do that, consider replacing one or two windows at a time. Caulking any spaces or crackers between your doors and windows can prevent heat loss, as well.

Many people have found that installing a programmable thermostat has helped them lower their energy costs, too. Programmable thermostats can be purchased at most hardware stores and only cost around twenty dollars. Having a programmable thermostat during the winter will allow you to keep the temperature in your home low during the day while you are at work. Some people even like to program their thermostat to a lower temperature at night to reduce their heating bill even more.

As you can see there are several things that you can do to save money on your energy bill. Many homeowners have also found that setting up a budget plan with a fuel oil company in Quincy MA has made it easier for them to pay their heating bills. Typically, these budget plans allow customers to pay their energy bills over a ten-month period. If you think that a budget plan may be a good idea for you or if you would like to schedule maintenance for your heating system, contact Metro Energy to set up an appointment.

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