Tips for Finding Legitimate Work from Home Jobs

by | Apr 29, 2014 | Business

Have you ever wondered if there truly are legitimate work from home jobs? Do you want to work from home for supplemental income or as a full-time income? Thankfully, there are legit companies that hire for work from home positions, but it does take some research and digging through the bad listings to find the places that pay and have steady work. Before you begin any work from home job, it’s important that you know how to watch for red flags that indicate a scam and how to apply for a position once you find a good work listing.

Don’t Pay for Job Listings

There’s a difference between paying for things that you need for the job and paying for access to a list of jobs. If you see a work from home job listing that requires you to fork over a small fee in order to even access the job listings, than you should keep looking. A key sign that the company is out only for your money is that they don’t ask you to send a resume or interest email to see if you’re even qualified for their job listings. A legitimate work from home job may have some costs associated with it once you’re hired, like specialized training or equipment, but the difference is that you’re already hired.

Browse Work from Home Forums

When it comes to finding real opportunities, work from home forums are your best friend. These forums are full of people who have been scammed, found great opportunities, and people looking for employees or contractors. You can ask questions, read reviews, and get tips and tricks on applying for certain companies. You’ll know right away if a company you’re interested in is a legitimate work from home job or just a listing to get people’s email address or personal information.

Build Your Resume and Follow Directions

If you want to get hired by a work from home company, treat it just as you would any other job search. Sometimes, sitting at home in your pajamas browsing job listings leads people to misplace their professionalism and not respond to open jobs properly. Always have a polished resume, cover letter, and possible references. Never send a one-sentence email saying that you want the job and leave it at that. You will need to fight for a work from home position just as you fight for any other job position.

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