In order to have a successful compost pile, you need it to heat up so that you can speed up the composting process. This in turn helps your compost mature more quickly. The Compost Connecticut professionals such as Dunning Sand & Gravel can tell you that the methods you use to build and maintain your pile will dictate the speed at which the pile matures. The pile that is well-maintained will need very little maintaining once it has reached maturity. Below you will find some tips on how to work your compost pile to the maturity you need to make it self-sufficient.
The biggest thing you need to do is contain your pile. You need to get a compost bin to not only help with containment, but to keep animals out of your compost pile as well. These bins don’t have to be expensive and you can actually build your own if you desire.
The Compost Connecticut professionals can also tell you that the materials you choose have a lot to do with your pile reaching maturity quickly. The best materials to use are dead leaves and grass, although the levels need to be equal for the materials to work. Together these materials should heat up and break down very quickly.
You need to be careful of the amount of moisture that your compost pile gets as well. A dry pile won’t mature quickly but neither will a wet pile. If your pile is to dry, wash it down with a water hose carefully, so as not to use too much water but just enough to keep it from drying out.
The pile turning into compost can take as long as a year, but once you get the pile built you won’t have to do much to maintain it. Once the materials are decomposed and a dark brown color, then your compost is ready to use. The process can seem lengthy but it will all be worth it in the long run. The professionals at compost suppliers are always around to give advice on compost piles as well. Agents are standing by.