Three Issues to Consider When Buying 2N2222 Transistors in New York

by | Jul 18, 2019 | Electronics & Electricals

Suppliers of 2N2222 Transistors in New York often stock many distinct models of this popular component. Choosing the most suitable 2N2222 transistor for a particular project will always be helpful, especially given that many will often be added to a single circuit. Click here, and it will be seen that plenty of information is available for anyone who seeks it.

Identifying the Best 2N2222 for Any Possible Project

An independent group named the “JEDEC Solid State Technology Association” sets standards for commodity-style electronic components like the 2N2222 transistor. For the part in question, JEDEC promulgates rules governing performance-related specifications like heat resistance and voltage limits.

Despite that fact, most 2N2222 transistors on the market differ in significant, substantive ways from others. When buying 2N2222 Transistors in New York, it will normally be important to look into issues including:

  • Dimensions – Although JEDEC rules limit 2N2222 transistors to a certain silhouette, manufacturers are free to work within those boundaries as they please. As a result, 2N2222 transistors vary somewhat in size and shape from one manufacturer to the next. This can be significant when space on a circuit board or within a particular type of enclosure is limited. Especially compact 2N2222 transistors can work well where others would not be suitable.
  • Gain rating – Many 2N2222 transistors are used to amplify signals that are fed into them. The amount of gain that a transistor can deliver will always impact its suitability to particular products. Although the JEDEC specifications set certain related minimums, manufacturers also produce 2N2222 transistors that go far above this level. Choosing a 2N2222 that is capable of producing more gain than the specification requires can even allow the total number of transistors to be reduced.
  • Heat resistance – It is quite common to use 2N2222 transistors in products that will be either be exposed to significant amounts of heat or will generate plenty of their own. Once again, manufacturers often exceed the JEDEC-specified requirements regarding heat resistance to produce even more desirable and useful 2N2222 transistors.

Plenty of Options to Consider and Compare

Issues like these can easily make particular 2N2222 transistors better suited to particular projects than others. Being sure to look into the many options will almost always pay off.

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