Three Important Advantages of Hiring an Orange, CA SSI Attorney

by | Oct 14, 2019 | Law Services

SSI, or Supplemental Security Income, is a federally funded version of Social Security Disability that covers the basic needs of low-income individuals. It’s also the only type of disability compensation you can receive if you haven’t worked enough years to get Social Security Disability Income. Nevertheless, you’ll still want the help of an experienced Orange, CA, SSI attorney to get Supplemental Security Income. Here’s why.

Strong Attorney Credentials

An SSI attorney in Orange, CA not only has a law degree, but he or she has also had to study Social Security law and pass a certification exam to practice it. The attorney also handles many disability cases each week and knows what it takes to win. This qualifies an experienced SSI attorney to help you.

Same Qualifying Standards

Despite the fact that SSI benefits are generally much lower than SSDI benefits, you’ll still be subjected to the same qualifying factors. This means you’ll not only need to have a verifiable disability; you’ll have to prove your disability with your symptoms and medical records. This is where an experienced SSI attorney in Orange, CA can assist you, assisting you in getting all the medical tests and forms required to prove your disability case.

Advocate at Hearing

Your SSI attorney in Orange can attempt to influence the judge’s decision at your hearing by citing various facts in your medical records to substantiate your disability. He or she will also coach you on how to dress in court and answer the judge’s questions. Furthermore, your attorney can counter any arguments the vocational expert makes about your ability to still work certain jobs.

One of the biggest benefits of hiring an experienced SSI attorney is knowing you’ll have a better chance of winning your disability case with this professional. It also helps relieve the burden of trying to represent yourself.

Ortega Disability Group has handled thousands of SSI and SSD cases over the years and can be reached at 800-332-1173.

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