Three Helpful Tips for Mananging Pain

by | Jan 7, 2020 | Healthcare

If you’re looking for a Jacksonville spine center for help with chronic back pain issues or any other type of debilitating pain, you’ll be looking for help from a medical practice that can help you lead a productive life while figuring out how to manage your pain. While you’re dealing with treatment, there are things that you can do in the meantime that may help you gain more control of your pain yourself. Listed below are three helpful tips for managing pain.

Take It Easy on Easy Days

Your instinct may be to move around a lot more on days when the pain isn’t as intense. While it’s such a relief to have a moment’s reprieve from pain, you should use those moments to allow your body to rest unless your doctor or medical specialist tells you otherwise.

Learn to Say “No”

You may feel guilty about not being able to be present for so many family gatherings or meetups with friends, but you have to be able to say “no.” You don’t want to push your body to the point where it truly becomes impossible to hang out with loved ones. Thanks to the digital age, there are many other ways to connect with the people you care about.

Get Involved in Approved Activities

Take advantage of the activities that are prescribed for you. If your specialist or doctor at your Jacksonville spine center recommends anything from light walking to stretching, take the time to do those things. Mild exercise and stretching are being prescribed because they may help your body heal.

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