There are many people who, for whatever reasons are scared to death of dentists and dental procedures. For those patients who really are traumatized, using a Sedation dentist Long Island is the solution. Sedation dentistry will eliminate the anxiety that the patient feels and can be used for all procedures, regardless of their simplicity or complexity.
A sedation dentist on Long Island uses a method to introduce relaxation during procedures; it’s often referred to as “sleep dentistry” although that really is not accurate. Unless the procedure calls for a general anesthesia, the patient actually is awake. The levels of medicinal sedation are:
* Minimal: Awake but relaxed.
* Moderate: Speech slurring and memory loss will occur.
* Deep: You are left on the very edge of consciousness but still awake.
* General anesthesia: Completely unconscious.
There are different chemicals used to sedate the patient to the level of consciousness that is good for both the patient and the dentist. For minimal Sedation, a sedation dentist will use nitrous oxide, more often than not referred to as “laughing gas”. The nitrous oxide is combined with oxygen and introduced to the patient through a mask placed over the nose. During the procedure, the dentist will monitor and control the flow of gas, as it tends to wear off quickly. Nitrous oxide, when used in sedation dentistry is the only form that will allow the patient to recover quickly, and be capable of driving home without assistance.
For moderate levels of sedation, the dentist will give an oral sedation; the drug is from the same family as Valium, and the dentist will usually introduce the drug about an hour before the procedure is scheduled. This form of sedation is the most common method; the individual will gradually become groggy and often will fall asleep during the procedure. The person can easily be awakened with a gentle prod; however, it is not recommended that the person drive home but should be accompanied. Moderate sedation can also be introduced through an IV in a vein; this will allow the dentist to continually monitor the state of the patient which cannot be done when oral drugs are administered.
Deep sedation and general anesthesia will either get you to the edge of consciousness or completely into a deep sleep, totally unconscious. While under the effects of general anesthesia, you cannot easily be woken; the effects of the anesthetic must either wear off or be chemically reversed.
A sedation dentist on Long Island will normally use a topical local antiseptic at the point of the procedure so that pain sensations are eliminated.
Sedation dentistry is really something that is used with people who have a genuine fear of dentistry, to the point where they avoid dentists altogether, often leading to dire consequences. People with a low pain threshold, are fidgety or have a gag reflex are also candidates for sedation dentistry.
Dr. Jay B. Lubliner, DMD, PLLC is a sedation dentist on Long Island. He understands that some patients are anxious but he also understands that this should not stand in the way of good oral health.