The SSI Lawyers Want to Help You Understand Your Rights

by | Jul 14, 2021 | Law

SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income and is for those who are disabled, legally blind, or over the age of 65 with low income. This program works, in some ways, like traditional Social Security. Those who have worked long enough to be insured through Social Security will generally apply for those benefits when disabled. Those who have no or little work time will find they need to apply for SSI. Sometimes, the process is not easy to go through so individuals end up hiring the SSI lawyers in Broken Arrow.

When a person decides they need to file for SSI, they will need to call and make an appointment with the Social Security Administration. They also take walk-ins but the wait times can sometimes be lengthy. During this meeting, the applicant will need to fill out an application and will be asked to provide certain documents to prove their circumstances.

A person must be certain criteria which include having a debilitating condition that prevents them from gaining income and limited assets. Just as with social security disability applications, denials can occur. If an application has been denied, this does not mean the applicant cannot proceed in their pursuit. Most people who are denied find it beneficial to hire the SSI lawyers in Broken Arrow.

The first step in the appeals process is for the applicant to simply ask for a reconsideration of their application. It is vital claimants do not give up and do not start over on the application process. Those who are persistent are generally given the option for an appeal hearing. Starting over on the application starts the process entirely over which means a person can lose out on a tremendous amount of payments because the application date is reset.

It is imperative a person hires a lawyer if they are scheduled for an appeal hearing before an administrative law judge. If you are unable to work and have not built up enough work time to apply for traditional Social Security disability benefits, SSI may be the answer.

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