The Ins and Outs of Parental Relocations in Colorado Springs, CO

by | Dec 4, 2013 | Attorney

Any situation of separation involving children is hard enough. Trying to maintain a relationship with each parent can be difficult to say the least, never mind if the parents have unresolved issues with each other. In the realm of parental relocation, it’s assumed that the separation has already occurred and a routine has been developed. Any change in that arrangement is sure to cause new strife and stress for all involved. A little move across town may not be the end of the world, but trying to relocate any further is a challenge that is often left up to the court to decide. There are a few factors that play into the decision.

The parent with primary custody moving away disrupts the normal visitation pattern. It’s often seen as unfair to the other parent as they are not expected to give up their way of life to follow their ex around the country. Parental Relocations in Colorado Springs, CO are simplified if the parents can agree upon the relocation. More often than not, parents need a mediator to come to an agreement. The factors that the court look at are pretty reasonable. The moving parent needs to give notice about the change. It’s highly illegal to pack up and leave without a trace so a bit of warning is commonplace. There has to be a good reason for the relocation. Maybe the parent has a great job opportunity or a family crisis to attend to that requires the geographical leap. Then modifications to the current visitation schedule need to be proposed in order to not completely alienate the child from the other parent.

When the parents cannot comes to terms on their own, that’s when the court gets involved. A judge will make the decision that’s in the best interest of the child involved based on the previous factors. Royal Martin PC is a firm that deals with Parental Relocations in Colorado Springs, CO. They are there to assist and provide suggestions on how to go about relocating, or to provide support for the parent who is not moving. With their assistance, both sides can come together to decide what is best for the child involved.

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