Understanding certain aspects of child custody law in Sheboygan, WI is advisable if divorce is imminent and there may be a dispute about where the children will live. One of the parents may want to have primary physical custody or may want to make sure shared custody is arranged. A list of questions can be brought to a family lawyer who will provide legal representation during this process.
Consistent Routines
Although it may not be entirely possible, psychologists recommend keeping the children’s routines as consistent as possible during divorce. This may factor into which a parent has primary custody or if they can share custody. If both parents are demanding primary custody, they might consider whether the children can stay in the same school district and perhaps even in the same home.
The Issue of Money
In general, money is not supposed to be a defining issue in child custody law in Sheboygan, WI. One parent may earn substantially more than the other and can live a more lavish lifestyle. However, if the other person has primary physical custody, the higher-income parent will typically be paying child support. A judge may order the individual to pay a higher amount than the state law requires to balance the scales to a certain extent. That’s especially true if the custodial parent and the children have to move from the family home. Family court judges don’t want children to experience a diminishment of their quality of life due to the divorce.
Shared Custody
Shared custody can be the answer to a variety of problems as long as each parent lives close enough to the children’s school. Preferably, both parents live in the same community so the kids aren’t living three days in one town and four days in another. The arrangement can be set up through a law firm such as Roth & Basler and documented with the court. Visit us online at the earliest convenience.
If the other parent is battling for full physical custody, lawyers can provide counsel on how to reach the goal of shared custody. They have sound advice on how to avoid sabotaging these efforts and resolving the issue to everyone’s satisfaction.