Mold is a type of microorganism that is classified as a fungi. It is a living organism that is not in the animal or the plant classifications. There are a number of different types of mold that are found in the environment. Mold spores are the invisible particles that can travel through the air and cause a number of health issues when found in homes. If mold is ever found, or suspected, in your home, it is important to contact a professional for Mold Removal in St Petersburg FL right away.
Health Issues Created from Mold
Exposure to mold can result in a number of different health issues. Since it can travel through the air in your home, when you inhale mold spores, they can create a number of different respiratory issues. Some of the common issues associated with the breathing in of mold spores include skin rashes, sinus infections, respiratory infections, allergies and asthma. In severe cases, exposure to the mold can eventually be fatal.
What Causes Mold to Grow?
As with any other type of living organism, mold will require a certain environment for growing and thriving. This includes moisture, the proper temperature and carbon atoms, which are what the mold will feed on. When the elements are plentiful, then it will create the ideal environment for growth. In order to avoid the growth of mold you have to ensure that your home does not offer an inviting environment.
The best way to get rid of mold in your home is to prevent it in the first place. This includes ensuring that your home is well ventilated, there are no cracks in the foundation of your home and that you keep your items in storage organized to ensure that it does not create a welcoming environment.
In any instance when mold growth is present, seeking Mold Removal in St Petersburg FL is essential. For more information on this critical service, contact ServiceMaster 24 Hour today. They may even offer you a free inspection to ensure that you do, in fact, need their services for mold removal from your home.