Medical practices everywhere are under extreme pressure to remain financially viable while still providing quality care to their patients. Elderly Medicare patients constitute an important part of many practices. The Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) provides an opportunity for the practice to spend time with each Medicare patient, review their medical history including medications, evaluate their cognitive ability and develop a long-term care plan for the patient. This visit is billable to Medicare but is no-cost to the patient.
One advantage that the AWV offers the practice is that a physician is not required to handle this. CMS has approved a Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, MA, or PA to conduct the visit. The visit collects information on the patient’s mental and physical well-being that is not gathered on a routine doctor visit. It provides a valuable baseline to assist the practice in delivering quality care to their Medicare patients. The AWV also offers the practice the opportunity to bill Medicare not only for the AWV, but for any tests or services that are shown to be necessary. An opportunity is also offered to risk stratify their Medicare patients.
Health care management solution software from Polygon Health allows practices to efficiently integrate the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit into their practices. The Medicare Wellness Solution begins by scheduling appointments with eligible Medicare patients as well as reminder calls. When the patient arrives at the office, they answer questions for the Wellness Visit questionnaire on a tablet. The provider then takes the patient’s vitals and completes the questionnaire. The Medicare Wellness Solution software then generates a report for the doctor, a 5-year plan, and a customized Patient Journey and Patient Tools. The provider reviews the results and 5-year plan with the patient. The MWS software provides a follow-up road map.
Polygon Health has been delivering practical HIT solutions to physicians for many years. They develop and supply HIT tools and support so that practices can improve the quality of patient care while becoming more efficient in managing workflow. Their Health Care Management Solution aids physicians as they transition in a new healthcare cllimate. Polygon Health is a subsidiary of The Kinetix Group.