Many people live with the everyday nuisances of hard water without much thought. However, the day to day issues you live with when your home has hard water can cause more harm than you might think over time.
Your Appearance
This may seem an odd subject to broach when discussing hard water, but consider this. Hard water causes a film to form when you are washing with soap. This film is a soap curd which stays on your skin and can cause aggravation, dry flaky skin and itchiness. This same soap curd can form on your hair and can make styling a close to impossible task. If you have been experiencing more bad hair days than you care to remember, blame it on hard water. Furthermore, your clothes will start to look unpleasant as well. The combination of the soiled clothes and calcium and magnesium found in hard water can really do a number on fabrics leaving your clothes looking old as well as causing your clothes to become scratchy and uncomfortable.
Your Appliances and Plumbing
Over time the same calcium and magnesium making you look worn and flat haired is also causing some serious issues for your pipes and appliances. You may notice a scaly build up of white on your taps. This same substance is causing a lime build up inside pipes and plumbing which can be very damaging and can even add as much as 25 percent to your water and electricity bill. Poor performance, in hand with potentially disastrous leaks are dangers of hard water.
Glasses and Dishes
Your dishwasher may be making you crazy due to the spots and fogginess you are seeing on your glasses and dishes. But it is not your dishwasher that is the culprit, it is hard water. The calcium and magnesium in hard water react with heat causing these unsightly marks.
Solar Heating Systems
If your home has a solar heating system than hard water is something you don’t want. Hard water causes difficulty for the electronic pump making your heating system run far less efficiently than it should.
Only the water softeners Lincoln, NE companies have to offer can help rid you of the hazards and damages caused by hard water.
Futuramic’s Clean Water Centre offers highly effective water softeners that delivers quality water consistently in Lincoln, NE. View website for more information.