The consequences of a DUI charge

by | Nov 1, 2013 | Lawyers

Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can result in arrest and the penalties can be very severe. In many cases an individual who is found guilty of this charge will be subjected to heavy fines, the associated court costs and even jail time. As the law is very complicated, if you are stopped and arrested you will need a DUI lawyer in Carrollton, GA.

When you hire a lawyer he knows statistically the number of DUI cases that have not prospered in court, based on the information and the evidence, yours may be one of them but only a lawyer will know. Of course the state is mandated to enforce the law but it must be understood that anyone arrested for anything is presumed innocent and it is up to the prosecution to prove otherwise.

Studies show that those who are most often stopped and arrested for DUI are young males between the ages of 16 and 24, they are usually from a middle class family and unfortunately about a third of them have been arrested before on the same charge making them repeat offenders. The penalties for repeat offenses are very hard.

Even the penalties imposed on a first offender can have long term consequences. First offenders are normally subjected to a fine; it can be a large fine if the court feels it is warranted. In some states the fine that is imposed is automatically doubled if there was a minor in the vehicle at the time of arrest. Although fines are the norm, the court can also revoke the driver’s license and community service. You will have a criminal record.

Repeat offenders will find themselves subjected to a very heavy fine, automatic revocation of all driving privileges and jail time. Regardless of whether it is a first offense or not, facing the court without a DUI lawyer in Carrollton, GA will leave you at a serious disadvantage.

A DUI lawyer will review the case the state has built against you and attempt to have the charges dropped or reduced. Being arrested is one thing, being found guilty is something else. There are many times when the statements made at the time of arrest can be thrown out as a result of an error in procedure on behalf of the arresting officer.

Just remember, the penalties are stiff so in the event you are arrested you cannot afford not to have a DUI lawyer on your side.

If you find that you need a DUI lawyer in Carrollton, GA, visit website to know more.

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