The Best Ways to Fight Bed Bugs in Baltimore, MD

by | Dec 10, 2014 | Home And Garden

Bed bugs have become a serious problem across the United States and around the world including many major cities like Baltimore, MD. Although they do not carry diseases, these small, flat creatures do feed off human blood and can cause irritated skin when they bite. Bed bugs can infest homes by traveling in on clothing, bedding or humans from other places. Most often, bed bugs enter a home through a piece of used furniture.

Because they are thin and flat, bed bugs hide in small places. They are typically found on the underside of mattresses or couch cushions. This is where one should look for Bed Bugs in Baltimore MD. Unfortunately, no area is completely safe from bed bugs because they can often travel unnoticed.

The best way to treat Bed Bugs in Baltimore MD is to contact a professional exterminator. There are signs to look for if bed bugs are suspected, but an experienced pest control expert will ensure that no signs were missed. Some things to watch out for are any small, flat bugs hiding in crevices, dark spots from blood stains or insect excrement on or around bedding or small patches of skin as these creatures do shed their skin as they grow.

If any signs are noticed, an exterminator should be called immediately. All bedding, pillows and other fabric should be instantly washed in warm water and dried on the highest setting. Vacuum often and be sure to use the attachments to the vacuum cleaner to get inside small crevices and under furniture. Empty the vacuum cleaner into a sealed bag and remove the bag from the house immediately. Bed bugs can live for a long time without any food so make sure there are none left behind.

Once everything has been cleaned, a professional needs to be contacted to provide safe chemical treatments to ensure the problem is resolved and the bed bugs will not return. Treatments will take place throughout the home because bed bugs can move from room to room.

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