The Best Lawyers in Lafayette, IN Will Take Care of You

by | Jan 10, 2014 | Law

If you are recently divorced and you haven’t been able to collect your monthly alimony payments or even child support, you may consider hiring the best lawyers in Lafayette, IN. After all, you need someone to help you to collect the money that you were legally awarded in a court of law. Just because the judge has awarded you the money, it doesn’t mean that you will begin to collect until you make it happen. Of course, this can be a little discouraging because you probably don’t want to deal with your former spouse who is most likely very angry for having to pay. Because of this, you need Ball Eggleston PC working for you.

Before you start to get discouraged about the final outcome, meet with a lawyer who can explain everything carefully to you. Your lawyer knows what you are going through and he knows how to protect you. He is never going to allow you to settle for anything less than what you deserve. If you have been awarded child support money or even alimony and you are not collecting, your lawyer can help you with a wage garnishment for your former spouse. Maybe you think that it’s not even worth trying because your former spouse is working for someone under the table. If this is the case, you can still collect money. Before you begin to get discouraged about how everything is going to come together, meet with a lawyer. You would be surprised at how beneficial this can be for your case.

Never feel guilty for going after child support payments. This is money that your children are legally entitled to. They should never have to go without the necessities in life simply because they have a deadbeat parent who doesn’t want to pay. Your lawyer can help you to withhold the tax return of your former spouse. Keep in mind that every situation is going to be a little bit different and this is why you don’t want to deal with this on your own. Set up an appointment with the best lawyers in Lafayette, IN today and they will help you to get started.

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