Years ago the only homes that used professional filtering systems were those that had wells. Today it is becoming more common for homeowners using municipal water systems to also install filtration systems. There are several reasons for the rise in the use of water filtration in Houston, TX, including:
1. SAVINGS: When professionals, such as Climate Shield Environmental industries, install water filtration in Houston, TX in homes, their customers instantly begin to save money. Homeowners no longer have to use bottled water for babies or to improve water’s taste. Water heaters are up to 25% more efficient when soft water is used, and eliminating hard water can extend the life of plumbing and appliances, as well as make them more efficient. In addition, treated water is easier on clothing and other textiles. Soft water reduces the amount of detergents and shampoos that are needed, and even saves on cooking, since food prepared in treated water requires fewer ingredients to taste good.
2. BETTER HEALTH: Both untreated water and municipal water supplies contain pollutants that can irritate health conditions. That is because the environment is contaminated with dangerous pollutants, and even treated water contains chlorine or other chemicals. However, filtered drinking water is pure, healthy, and tastes great. Soft water also improves the look and feel of skin and hair.
3. EASIER CLEANING: Over time hard water can cause a buildup in pipes and appliances. It also leaves a hard-to-clean residue on tiles, in showers and sinks, on floors, and elsewhere. Untreated water can make it hard to get laundry clean, and some water even stains clothes, or makes them dingy. Filtering water can reduce cleaning time by as much as 80 hours per year. It makes dishwashers more efficient, and eliminates the spots on silverware, dishes, and glassware. Soft water makes bathrooms easier to clean, since there is no soap scum. It leaves laundry cleaner and fluffier, without extra work or products. Soft water even reduces the effort needed to thoroughly clean floors, rugs, and carpeting.
Professionally-installed water filtration systems are becoming more common because they provide safer, clean water, make home cleaning easier, and can save homeowners money.