Summer Alternatives Including Summer Camps For Kids in Fairfield CT

by | May 4, 2019 | Uncategorized

The final bell has rung and now the kids are all home for summer vacation. The problem is that so many parents these days work during the day, leaving few options for their children during the 9-5 time frame. What’s a parent to do? Local parents are dealing with this dilemma in a number of ways.


Daycare options are available for a number of children ages 8 weeks to 12 years old. Food is provided and often the daycare center provides field trips to movies, skating, putt putt and more. It’s a good option for parents who work long hours and need a safe place to leave their children. On the downside, the children often have long periods of inactivity and they still must get up early in the mornings in order to be dropped off at daycare before parents head into work.


While all summer away camps are not in fashion these days nearly as much as in earlier years, a number of Summer Camp For Kids in Fairfield CT still exist. Most cater to specific talents or interests the child might have. Additionally, most camps offer activities outside of their main interest group. For example, a gymnastics camp might also offer arts and crafts for activities during the day. Typically held during regular business hours, it’s often a good suggestion for budding Mary Lou Rettons or Bart Connors.


Family can often come in handy during the long summer months. Although extended families are not the norm, many children settle in areas close to Mom and Dad. This gives them built-in baby-sitters during the summer months. However, at the risk of wearing out the welcome, this might only want to be used in short-term cases.

It’s definitely in your child’s best interest to give them input to their summer agenda, and mixing and matching the above could be the best alternative. It could be a Summer Camp For Kids in Fairfield CT one week and then a week with the grandparents the next. Parents planning vacation time during the summer also helps, too. For information on how we can help visit website.

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