Have you been neglecting your teeth? If you have not had a dental check-up for quite some time that is exactly what you are doing. In order to really stay healthy, you need to commit to regular dental check-ups. A dental exam can detect oral health problems as well as other health issues concerning your overall physical health. Visiting with a dentist in Elk Grove Village is about more than just having your teeth examined. Consider how important yearly physical exams are to your health. That is how important dental visits are for your teeth and gums. Both are absolutely vital. It is recommended that you schedule three to four dental visits annually.
Keep Your Teeth Cleaner and Stronger
A couple of the most obvious reasons for dental exams are cleaner and stronger teeth. Hygienists know how to effectively clean your teeth in-depth as well as polish them. Any tartar or plaque on your teeth will also be removed if there is build-up since your last dental visit. Teeth that are broken or decaying can be addressed so they do not cause further damage to the rest of your teeth. The faster oral problems can be identified, the better off you are going to be.
Your Oral Health Affects Your Digestion
Did you know that your oral health can greatly affect your digestive system? Chewing requires healthy teeth so the food you consume breaks down carbohydrates. When you chew well, the right amount of saliva is produced to help this break down. Any weak, misaligned or infected teeth will decrease the ability to be able to chew effectively. In other words, you will not be able to produce the right amount of saliva. Keeping your teeth clean will decrease infection making the digestion process healthier.